
An Angel Watching Over Bobby (Bobby’s Updates)

Bobby has finally left the vet after having been warded for close to 2 months for a series of issues. When he was discharged, he was still too weak to stand. He is still very weak and remains expressionless most of the time. He may possibly have been depressed form being cooped up in the cage all this time. How stifling it must be for someone who had been used to wandering the streets and enjoying the carefree life. When we discharged him, the poor boy did not even have the energy to stand. His legs kept giving way beneath him and so he had to be carried all the way to the car and to his foster’s place. Can you imagine our poor volunteer carrying 15.5kg worth of Bobby up 3 flights of steps? It’s no mean feat, I can assure you.

Leaving the Vet. Lifeless eyes, not knowing where he was headed to
Too weak to even stand
Although life has not being easy, an angel must be watching over him. His foster feeds him 3 to 4 times a day as smaller meals allows him to digest better. She adds supplements such as Glucosamine to his food as he has arthritis caused by old age and we will be adding donated Probiotics and Lingzhi as well to help his poor weak body absorb nutrients better. Bobby also gets to exercise daily as his foster brings him out to the garden outside her apartment every 4 hours to enjoy the sun and at the same time, encourage him to walk and build up his muscles, which has been wasting away. The garden can only be assessed by a flight of stairs which means Bobby’s foster has to carry a 15kg load up and down the stairs 4 times a day. I did it just once last Saturday when we brought him to the vet for his review and my back is still aching.

That's the volunteer that carried 15kg worth of Bobby to his foster home
Speaking of his review, I was so excited to meet Bobby again on Saturday. The updates from the foster for the past one week had been heartening. She told us Bobby had started to stand and walk short distances on his own and loves the time spent in the garden. He loves his food and would wait outside the kitchen. And what is more fascinating is that the usually expressionless boy has started to recognize and display excitement like wagging his tail when his foster appears. Does this mean Bobby boy is coming out from his depression?

First time in a home (foster)
Bobby and his signature "no expression" look
At the vet, we witnessed Bobby taking baby steps walking from the reception area to the consultation room. Although it’s a very short distance, it’s a huge step for Bobby. (Doesn’t it remind you of the phrase by Neil Armstrong: "That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind") During the consultation, just when we thought it would be smooth sailing for Bobby from henceforth, we were dropped yet another bombshell. We finally received the results of his biopsy. Bobby has TVT or Transmissible Venereal Tumor. It is a type of cancer which is transmitted via sexual intercourse with infected dogs.

A transmissible venereal tumor, or TVT, is a naturally occurring tumor that is sexually transmitted from one dog to another. A high number of cases tend to be seen in large cities and temperate areas. TVT is usually seen in young, intact (non-neutered) dogs. This condition is the result of direct contact with tumor cells from a diseased animal. It is transmitted through the act of sex, and intact, free roaming dogs are at greater risk of acquiring and spreading this disease.

Although spontaneous regression can occur, TVT are usually progressive and are treated accordingly. Complete surgical excision, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy are effective treatments; however, chemotherapy is considered the treatment of choice. The prognosis for total remission with chemotherapy or radiation therapy is good.

Thus poor Bobby was immediately put on chemotherapy for a course of 4 weeks. He has just received his third treatment. During this period, we will need to ensure he has additional nutrients and send him to the vet weekly for his chemo jabs. Although the dosage is low and unlikely to have much side effects, he may experience some discomfort, nausea or hair loss. The vet is confident that Bobby will make a complete recovery and we have great faith in our boy that he will continue to fight. Hopefully when he recovers, this would be the last of his health problems and he can indeed live life happily ever after.

This was taken last weekend on his way to the vet for his chemo jab. Look at that face! Isn't it wonderful to finally see a smile? 

We are blessed that Bobby has a foster but it is hard work fostering Bobby as he requires exercise  a few times a day and fed 4 small meals throughout the day, so ideally we are hoping to have another foster who can alternate with his present foster and rotate foster homes every two weeks. If you can help this dear old boy, please hopedogrescue@singnet.com.sg.

Written by Wendy Yeo